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Naquita Rivas

Involve Financial

Hiring Coordinator

Hi, I'm Naquita. I'm a Colorado native and love the outdoors! I am a published author and a 5 on the enneagram. I am married with a step daughter and 3 dogs. I love Jesus and am so grateful to be a part of this company and team! Prior to coming to Transparent, I was a cosmetologist for 11 years. 


I chose a career at Transparent because I saw the value in the product and what it could do for my family. At the time I had just had a full hip replacement and knew I couldn’t do hair or nails full time anymore, my body just wouldn't allow it. This career has been a Godsend.  I’m still learning and growing every single day, and don’t expect to stop learning and growing with Involve. It’s allowed me to dream again, plan my life, and work hard to achieve my goals while helping people. When I'm not working, you can find me soaking at The Healing Waters or baking bread at home.


I truly enjoy getting to know my leaders and team better. Even if you don’t hear it, see it or know it, this team wants you to succeed and eventually you’re able to get out of your own way and follow lead and it’s a blessing!


Three words to describe myself:

Slow, Funny, Happy


Two things on my bucket list:

1. Travel the US

2. Buy each of my parents a home

Naquita Rivas
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